The newest group at Bayside Community Church, in our hometown of Kingston, WA, is up and running! Well, perhaps walking... sitting... eating... Last month my wife, Sue, and I began hosting some of the folks with whom we worship and serve. We have been "breaking bread" in our home on a weekly basis since October.
Our last two gatherings of the year will continue our theme of growth in various areas of our lives. Wednesday, November 13 topic is growing in physical health. On November 20, we plan to usher in the holiday season with a discussion on "anticipation" -- what are you looking forward to? What have been some of your best memories of holidays connected with the church? If you're interested in joining us, call or text me at (360) 286-6019.
About Connect. Thrive. At 55 (and then some!)
A group for our “seasoned” friends to gather together at Steve and Sue Pargman’s home! We’ll break bread with a “light” supper on the table at 4:30p. Then at 5:00p, gather in a cozy living room to share how God’s Word causes us to grow in grace, righteousness, encouragement, humor, fellowship, gratitude, health, and anticipation for each new day. We’ll be done by 6:00p!
Upcoming events:
Wednesday, Nov 13
Growing in Physical Health
Wednesday, Nov 20
Growing in Anticipation
We are taking a break for the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. It was great to be able to welcome a new couple to our fellowship this month!